Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I decided to download the pictures off my camera today and I came across this one of Bailey. This was about 3 weeks before he died.....we didn't even know he was sick. What you have to know about Bailey first, is that he was fat....I mean 132 pounds....This dog weighs more than my was crazy. Fat dogs get hot, so Bailey liked to wade in the pool during the summertime. He wasn't really a swimmer, cause it's hard to maintain the weight if you exercise, but he did like a dip. Laura and I were doing our typical weekend "move the shit around" fest at the house in Lanett and I glanced out the window and found Bailey in the pool....only the damn cover was still on it. He was just chillin'. This was last week of March, first week of Aprilish, so it was just starting to get nice out. I had to run out and get a picture. It was beautiful Bailey Bliss.....
Monday, April 24, 2006 losing Bailey had us all with a hole in our family and we wanted another clumber spaniel so I put out an ad at work looking for a clumber or a clumber mix, or any tips on how to find one (thinking this would take can't just walk into a pet store and find these dogs). So my phone at work rings and it's a woman with a 6 year old clumber who wants her to live in a family that will give her lots of attention (maybe rewrite top 40 songs for her). She came over for the weekend and Laura and I are completely in love with her. We are calling her Loli (her name is Delilah, but anyone that knows me knows that my dogs have to have four letter names - before you say it, Laura named Bailey - anyway, Deli wasn't cutting Loli it is). I don't know what her owner is likely to ask of us in order to keep her, but it's entirely too late because we are in love.....
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
tag, i'm it.
Current mood: nerdy
To play this game, you post six weird habits/things about yourself and people who get tagged need to write a blog about their six weird habits/things. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be
tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you
are tagged" in their Myspace comments and tell them to read your blog.
1. I eat all my food one thing at a time. I don't like for any of it to be touching, I want the temp to be just above room temperature, and I save my favorite thing for last.
2. I think I know when I am going to die and it scares me the closer it gets.
3. I love my dog so much people think I am sick. I incorporate her name into every song on the radio and something reminds me of her on average about 4 times an hour (in fact she is often in my dreams).
4. If I am eating something and you want to have a bite, that's can have a bite - except cereal. Never touch my cereal!! We might have just exchanged bodily fluids, but it grosses me out to have someone else put their spoon in my lucky charms.
5. I can't stand for any of the white part to be showing on my finger nails. When I was little I had the white part bend backwards once and I FREAKED. Now I can't stand for any to be showing...I will pull over to a gas station and buy clippers if I notice some white.
6. Laura says I never get mad, and that it is wierd....
I was tagged by Brooke.
I am tagging: Jackie, Tiffi, Vernie, Wendi, Mike, Deanna