Monday, April 24, 2006 losing Bailey had us all with a hole in our family and we wanted another clumber spaniel so I put out an ad at work looking for a clumber or a clumber mix, or any tips on how to find one (thinking this would take can't just walk into a pet store and find these dogs). So my phone at work rings and it's a woman with a 6 year old clumber who wants her to live in a family that will give her lots of attention (maybe rewrite top 40 songs for her). She came over for the weekend and Laura and I are completely in love with her. We are calling her Loli (her name is Delilah, but anyone that knows me knows that my dogs have to have four letter names - before you say it, Laura named Bailey - anyway, Deli wasn't cutting Loli it is). I don't know what her owner is likely to ask of us in order to keep her, but it's entirely too late because we are in love.....