Wednesday, April 19, 2006


tag, i'm it.
Current mood: nerdy

To play this game, you post six weird habits/things about yourself and people who get tagged need to write a blog about their six weird habits/things. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be
tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you
are tagged" in their Myspace comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I eat all my food one thing at a time. I don't like for any of it to be touching, I want the temp to be just above room temperature, and I save my favorite thing for last.

2. I think I know when I am going to die and it scares me the closer it gets.

3. I love my dog so much people think I am sick. I incorporate her name into every song on the radio and something reminds me of her on average about 4 times an hour (in fact she is often in my dreams).

4. If I am eating something and you want to have a bite, that's can have a bite - except cereal. Never touch my cereal!! We might have just exchanged bodily fluids, but it grosses me out to have someone else put their spoon in my lucky charms.

5. I can't stand for any of the white part to be showing on my finger nails. When I was little I had the white part bend backwards once and I FREAKED. Now I can't stand for any to be showing...I will pull over to a gas station and buy clippers if I notice some white.

6. Laura says I never get mad, and that it is wierd....

I was tagged by Brooke.
I am tagging: Jackie, Tiffi, Vernie, Wendi, Mike, Deanna

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