Tuesday, November 29, 2005
It's that freakin' time of year when you have to just about cut out of work at lunch to see any G.D. sunlight whatsoever! I can't stand "Standard Time"...like whos bright Fing idea was it for it to get dark at like 5p anyway?!?!?
Take today for instance, I needed to get home to spread the Scotts Winterizer that I bought last damn year on my yard. The instructions say to get it on there in Oct or Nov so I figure I have like OH...TODAY to get it done (yes, I know I have tomorrow..but I can't stand to wait to the VERY last minute). I rushed home to a semi-dark afternoon and before I could walk off the front lawn even once!...PITCH FREAKIN' BLACK! So now I do have to wait until the last minute to get the back yard in tomorrow. So as I am lugging my Scotts Speedy 3000 (yes I am a brand whore) back across the yard to the shed, it occurs to me.... Just at the time of year that the weather is turning colder than a witch's titty, you are hit with all these holidays to remind you that you didn't save enough/make enough damn money all year to show a little gratitude to all the people that are probably about to show their gratitude for you, and just to put a little icing on that misery cupcake, the days just shrink and shrink...until day and night are only measured by the fullness of your Tivo [ OH LOOK...Apprentice!...There must have been a Thursday ].
What I am trying to say is, I typically experience a little depression this time of year....this condition can be aggravated by things like $400 dollars worth of locked up Calipers on my Jeep, but that's another blog entirely (I will tell you that the moral of the jeep story is "The auto place closest to the beer store is not always the cheapest").