Thursday, November 03, 2005

Laura will be here tomorrow!!! I am so excited. It's nice to be in a beautiful town, but even something good is lacking without Laura. I hope she likes this town as much as I do. If she has a good time, I am going to try to talk her into coming back for Aqua Girl weekend sometime. We usually do the whole lesborama in Pensacola for Memorial day, but at some point we will be in our 40's and we may have to look at elevating our game a little and trying to participate in something that not only is fun and full of lesbians, but has some redeeming social value at the same time. 100 percent of the net proceeds from Aqua Girl weekend benefit the Women's Community Fund, a not-for-profit-foundation whose primary mission is to promote the equality, strength, health, and visibility of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender women.
In cause you haven't gotten enough travel guide information from me about this city I have adopted, consider the following if you find yourself here:
World Erotic Art Museum
I keep driving past this place on Washington and thinking I need to check it out. Maybe I will have more of an update once I get around to that.
The Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival
I have never been here in April, and I have never been to a film festival, but this just sounds like a no brainer to me. If you are even half the queer that I am, I know you will sit through hours and hours of the most horrible gay and lesbian films imaginable just to find that one gem of a flick that reflects our community in a touching and real way. The next Incredibly True Adventures... could be out there just waiting for me to get a hold of.
Olivia Cruises
Many of these cruises leave from Miami. If money is a problem, but not your problem hop a boat to the galapagos islands, or the caribbean islands (women only).
No matter the reason, no matter the season, Miami is just a great place to visit. Laura is a huge fan of New York and I am hoping that when she gets here she will see all the culture of the Big Apple packed into the little blue and pink humid boxes that line Collins Ave.