Thursday, August 18, 2005

So it's been a bit of a weird week. I don't work on Mondays and then Tuesday I didn't go in because it was our "disaster recovery" exercise. I don't know how many people would be familiar with the concept of an exercise like this, so I will try to explain it. It's like, you pretend that the place you work got blown up or burnt to the ground...just isn't there. Now if you're smart, you'll been backing up all the data it takes to build again...and hopefully your backups aren't in that building you lost. So maybe you've lost some of your 6 figure people too, because their over achievers and they were probably working late or something...maybe in fact you just have someone like me....and my laptop. Now, I don't know what it takes to put everything back together....hell I barely know my job at now you get some phone calls together with whoever else is left and everyone starts putting the pieces back. You're building is gone so hopefully you have a buddy with a few spare machines laying around. You have the operating system folks and they will get you some sort of something put together to work on, while the data people are loading all that backup data to the few thousand hard drives you've had to round up. So mostly DR is just waiting...waiting for someone to tell you it's your turn to do the tiny piece you might just manage to get fixed. My piece was to restore one of the pieces of software that we run....I waited about 5 hours then took about 15 minutes to get my piece running (it doesn't always go so smoothly, but I was lucky). Someone else after me figures out how to get all the business data back in order and someone after that figures out if all the business is fit to run. This can take days or it can take really just depends.

So the week was off to a weird start, but by Wednesday I had settled back into my normal hours. I left early Wednesday, took a tour of one of our buildings, drank some beer at the mall, met my sweetie at home and went out to our local pub for some din din and adult beverages. It was karaoke night. I don't care what sorta week you are having, karaoke is just surreal isn't it?

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