Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Lesbos, Toliet Paper and Prostate health...
I love being at home on Mondays... No doubt I have a list of shit I am supposed to be doing a mile long, but Monday is my haven...Monday's I close off everything and just do me. Monday was muggy and miserable outside, I worked on my little brothers computer most of the morning and then I went with him to his appointment with his urologist (he won't let me talk about what's wrong with him cause he thinks it makes him sound like a fag.....men....). We shopped plasma TV's and played Tiger Woods golf to get his mind off the experience. Speaking of urine, here is something maybe not everyone thinks about. Lesbians go through shit pile of toilet paper. I don't mean to imply that gay women actually use more paper than straight women...I known plenty of straight women and the one observation I can offer is that women in general are pretty uncompromising about the quantity of TP they believe is necessary to get the job done. No...it's more just the fact that there are two women....all the time... I mean we don't even have kids yet and every time I turn around I am at the SAMS CLUB buying the mega pack of Charmin. Maybe this whole hetero fixation is just the natural order of a society of people that wanted to balance out toilet paper usage? I sorta imagine my girls hangin out on the isle of Lesbos, and the damn septic tanks start filling up
...crap is backing up everywhere!! You know there isn't a woman on the planet that is going to be dealing with that little situation...so they called in a plumber...had him shipped to the island and when we got back to Greece or where ever the hell you would get a plumber from in Lesbos, he told this story of all these women, and all this toilet paper. I imagine right about then, some jack ass politician...BAM....DOMA...and girl on girl love was a sin....thinking about my toilet paper budget....guy could have been on to something.
I love being at home on Mondays... No doubt I have a list of shit I am supposed to be doing a mile long, but Monday is my haven...Monday's I close off everything and just do me. Monday was muggy and miserable outside, I worked on my little brothers computer most of the morning and then I went with him to his appointment with his urologist (he won't let me talk about what's wrong with him cause he thinks it makes him sound like a fag.....men....). We shopped plasma TV's and played Tiger Woods golf to get his mind off the experience. Speaking of urine, here is something maybe not everyone thinks about. Lesbians go through shit pile of toilet paper. I don't mean to imply that gay women actually use more paper than straight women...I known plenty of straight women and the one observation I can offer is that women in general are pretty uncompromising about the quantity of TP they believe is necessary to get the job done. No...it's more just the fact that there are two women....all the time... I mean we don't even have kids yet and every time I turn around I am at the SAMS CLUB buying the mega pack of Charmin. Maybe this whole hetero fixation is just the natural order of a society of people that wanted to balance out toilet paper usage? I sorta imagine my girls hangin out on the isle of Lesbos, and the damn septic tanks start filling up
...crap is backing up everywhere!! You know there isn't a woman on the planet that is going to be dealing with that little situation...so they called in a plumber...had him shipped to the island and when we got back to Greece or where ever the hell you would get a plumber from in Lesbos, he told this story of all these women, and all this toilet paper. I imagine right about then, some jack ass politician...BAM....DOMA...and girl on girl love was a sin....thinking about my toilet paper budget....guy could have been on to something.