Thursday, February 26, 2004

Haven't made an update lately. There hasn't been too much to talk about. My employer laid off a bunch of people and luckily I was spared this time....but I an not really ready to talk about that yet. I am sure more will come later. Tonight Laura and Kathy M. and I went to see "The Passion". It was brutal and difficult to watch. Earlier this week I sent out about 40 letters to different GA state leaders about SR 595 which seeks to ban gay marriage in GA. Out of all those letters I have gotten two replies. Here is how that went:

My letter:

I am writing you today in opposition to a Georgia constitutional amendment that would ban same sex marriage. Our country was founded on the principles of liberty and equality for all people. I fear that history will look back in disgrace on any laws that this state or this country seek to approve that disenfranchise any of it's citizens. Granting equality to all Americans so that they have equal access to social security, health care, parental rights, and other survivor benefits does not mean that any religion would have to change their stance on gay marriage. No religion will perform these marriages if gay marriage violates the tenants of that religion. I am asking you at this time to focus on matters of dire consequence to the people of Georgia like jobs, health care, and the economy. Former Georgia conservative republican Bob Barr has labeled this type of legislation as "both unnecessary and needlessly intrusive". I am asking you to be conservative with the constitution of this state by preserving its current integrity. I am concerned about the negative attitudes legislation like this may cause our state. I am concerned that our ability to attract new industry and technology is negatively impacted by this type of publicity. It is both harmful and unnecessary as Georgia law already prevents same sex couples from seeking marriage. Most large companies embrace the image of diversity in theory if not in practice. This state already has a civil rights history that is damaged by our legislators refusing to acknowledge the equal rights entitled to ALL of it's people. I am asking you to protect the image of our state and weigh carefully the outcome that this legislation may have for Georgia in the future.

Here is the first reply that I got from my own representative Vance Smith:
Thanks for contacting me and for your comments.
I respect your opinion on this subject matter but I have a different opinion.
This Senate Resolution is in the House Rules Committee at the present and I do not know if it will come to the Floor of the House or not. If it comes to the Floor with no amendments I will vote yes on this legislation.
Again, thanks for your e-mail and contact me on any issue that is of interest to you.

Wasn't too promising and I was beginning to wonder if my efforts had been a waste of time. But today I got this response from Representative Nan Grogan Orrock my hope was restored:

Thanks for your thoughtful message about SR 595 which would place on the ballot a constitutional amendment to recognize marriage between a man and a woman. I am in complete agreement with your position. I am working against the Resolution but I am not optimistic about being able to stop it. SR 595 is predicted to readily pass the Senate which is Republican controlled.
It takes a two thirds vote - 120 people in the house - to pass a resolution to amend the Constitution. That makes it a steeper incline but I don't know if we have the 61 votes to block the effort. I'm working toward the goal and am very happy to have your input and support in this effort. We must keep fighting against discrimination and keep standing up for civil liberties for all our citizens.

Representative Nan Grogan Orrock
Majority Whip
House Majority Office
415 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

I will post new ones as I get them....if I get them.

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