Saturday, December 27, 2003

Well, I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and got all the goodies they were supposed to. I visited my parents house as is my usual custom on this day. We were unable to have Christmas on it's normal day since my brother and his wife needed to be somewhere else, so we mostly just watched The History Channel all day. They had a show about the lost books of the Bible and hidden codes in the Bible. It was sorta an all day remote control struggle to watch this or the 50 all time funniest SNL or whatever Hallmark show my mother wanted to watch. It wasn't entirely a bad way to kill a day.

Late in the evening the discussion turned to
interracial dating
and marriage. Not surprisingly for a southern family, some of my family is very opposed to this idea. It would seem that they believe there to be some biblical support for their discomfort...Presumably the story of
the Tower of Babel
. This is a story that Christians have used for years to justify racism and yet I know that God hates racism even in it's subtle forms. In fact when Moses married outside his race and Miriam decided to put her two cents in, God put leprosy on Miriam.

"And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. Numbers 12:1"

And besides, when the Lord was going to his death and could no longer carry the cross, it was a brother who stepped in to relieve him. Good thing that wasn't a "whites only" crucifixion.

"And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus. Luke 23:26"

This discussion was of particular discomfort to my younger brother since he has been involved in an interracial relationship for some 7 years now. It seems that some races are more tolerable than others....His ex girlfriend was Korean, and that can be tolerated, but to date a black woman.....That was taboo.

I think I can understand the source of these feeling in a way that I would not be comfortable to express, and in a way that I suspect black people in America experience when their loved ones fall in love with a white person. In our country, at least, our history makes black and white the ultimate taboo. I wonder what it will take to overcome this strangeness we have about each other?

I can't comfortably tell anyone who they should or shouldn't fall in love with. If you find love anywhere I think you are a lucky individual. I know that for a long time in my life I looked for love in the all the conventional places and there was none to be found. Glory be to God for helping me to become a strong gay woman and have the courage to live out proud despite the bigotry that surrounds me....From people who love me and people who despise me.


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