Friday, August 11, 2006
Dry Tongue and other tortures.......
I went to the dentist earlier this week. I have a tooth that was filled when I was a little kid that now has to have a crown, so I am in the chair and....well .... I don't open my mouth until I see Mr. Happy they hook you up on the laughing gas (which just makes me hear wierd noises BTW) and leave you in the chair for a while until you are good and floating and then they come in and start working and asking you questions.....THEY KNOW YOU CAN'T ANSWER CAUSE THEY HAVE THEIR HANDS IN YOUR MOUTH and they don't even, like, wait a reasonable time as if to imply that they expect that you might try to answer...they just babble at you!!!!! "Oh well I have to have a box fan to sleep personally...Do you ever sleep with a fan Shy? I even have my kids so that when we went to the grand canyon we had to go out to Wally world and buy a little fan for our hotel room....none of us can sleep without it...." And then I think they throw in some S(*# just to let you know that they know that you are F'ed!!!! SO I had a few minutes alone and I thought to whip out my cell phone and snap a shot to see just how guppied up I was (ah technology...). And when I looked at the picture, it was TOTALLY blurry and messed up looking....well I thought it was just me!!! I put the phone away and they come back in and start packing my mouth with gauze and crap...and I have this I TOTALLY freak if my tongue is dry...I don't even like to see someone else's tongue be dry...that's how bad it I am just sitting there with this dry tongue and I think I would almost rather die than have to spend one more minute in this state....and the GAS....I mean...I was as close to a psychotic break as I have probably ever been....but somehow I made it, paid the serveral hundred dollars it cost me to play "Mr. Toads Wild Ride" and left. I really wanted to tell my buddy Brooke about my experience so I went back to get the picture off my camera phone...and it is still crazy looking!!! In fact, everything I take on my phone now looks like it is still on the nitrous!!!! WHOA........

I went to the dentist earlier this week. I have a tooth that was filled when I was a little kid that now has to have a crown, so I am in the chair and....well .... I don't open my mouth until I see Mr. Happy they hook you up on the laughing gas (which just makes me hear wierd noises BTW) and leave you in the chair for a while until you are good and floating and then they come in and start working and asking you questions.....THEY KNOW YOU CAN'T ANSWER CAUSE THEY HAVE THEIR HANDS IN YOUR MOUTH and they don't even, like, wait a reasonable time as if to imply that they expect that you might try to answer...they just babble at you!!!!! "Oh well I have to have a box fan to sleep personally...Do you ever sleep with a fan Shy? I even have my kids so that when we went to the grand canyon we had to go out to Wally world and buy a little fan for our hotel room....none of us can sleep without it...." And then I think they throw in some S(*# just to let you know that they know that you are F'ed!!!! SO I had a few minutes alone and I thought to whip out my cell phone and snap a shot to see just how guppied up I was (ah technology...). And when I looked at the picture, it was TOTALLY blurry and messed up looking....well I thought it was just me!!! I put the phone away and they come back in and start packing my mouth with gauze and crap...and I have this I TOTALLY freak if my tongue is dry...I don't even like to see someone else's tongue be dry...that's how bad it I am just sitting there with this dry tongue and I think I would almost rather die than have to spend one more minute in this state....and the GAS....I mean...I was as close to a psychotic break as I have probably ever been....but somehow I made it, paid the serveral hundred dollars it cost me to play "Mr. Toads Wild Ride" and left. I really wanted to tell my buddy Brooke about my experience so I went back to get the picture off my camera phone...and it is still crazy looking!!! In fact, everything I take on my phone now looks like it is still on the nitrous!!!! WHOA........

[somebody save me?]